Miss Valentine 2025

You can pre-order routines using the form on this site. Always pay after submitting the form. (or pay cash at the venue).


1 routine 25€

2 routines 50€

3 routines 70€

4 routines 80€


I will hand edit all the best pictures and try get as correct forms on balances and leaps as possible. * I usually deliver photos the following week or the next. Usually there will be about 20-35 photos / routine, depending on how the gymnast performs and uses the carpet. I believe in quality over quantity. No one needs hundreds of same photos with incorrect form etc. I only focus on photos at the moment and don’t do video at all.


Only order from those categories that are listed. If your category is not listed, that means that I can’t take orders due to my schedule. There will be my logo on the left bottom corner. Some photos might “seem” smaller in resolution, but that is because I crop in to get better framing. All photos look good on social media. I deliver photos that are mainly 1:1 aspect ratio. (square).


If you are looking for the payment details link and you already ordered, click HERE!

You will not receive a confirmation letter after submitting the form. It’s all good after clicking ORDER.


Payment link:


* No refunds. I will do my best to capture all the corrects poses. Except if a child is sick and unable to perform, I can then refund the money.

I reserve the right to decline a photo order for un-ethical clubs. I will cancel and refund if a group is not following ethical guidelines. For example: unfair and un-ethical judging and coaching behaviour. Un-ethical behaviour in club leadership. etc…

Contact me on WhatsApp if you have any problems: +358505716463